Supportive Services Are More Critical Than Ever

24.11.20 11:39 PM By Patrick

Watch the recording of Launchpad Live Episode 3 here.

As 2020 comes to a close, it is clear that this year’s events will have a lasting impact that will be felt in our communities and economies well into the future. Due to COVID-19, thousands of people lost their jobs, and are left wondering what’s next? 

It’s estimated that 20% to 22% of jobs impacted by COVID-19 closures are permanently gone. As the world is coming to grips with the pandemic and becoming more virtual focused, we are now facing a systemic unemployment problem. In addition to jobs, many families and individuals face homelessness, food, and health needs. Some of the largest corporate landlords have filed over 10,000 eviction notices since September. A recent survey by The Hope Center discovered that 60% of college students are housing or food insecure.

How Workforce Agencies Can Respond

Many people facing these challenges look to supportive services for help. Whether it is for food assistance, housing, legal aid for people exiting the legal system and entering the workforce, childcare, or disabilities services, supportive services are critical. 

It’s crucial to process these requests thoroughly and effectively. Many states and regional systems are using outdated technology, sometimes upwards of 20 to 30 years old. Does your technology adequately support you in meeting your clients and community needs?

Launchpad co-founder and CEO Abraham Jankans addresses these topics and more in the most recent episode of Launchpad Live. You can check out the webinar here.

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